The Office of Student Leadership & Involvement offers a variety of leadership development opportunities throughout the year and are looking to continually expand to meet the needs of our growing student population. 

iLead Fall Leadership Conference

Image with the words "iLead, Office of Student Leadership & Involvement" written across it

iLEAD is the annual student leadership conference held each fall at Midwestern State University. It is designed to provide current and future student leaders with the training to help them and their student organizations grow. The conference is open to ALL students. The conference will feature a keynote speaker, several breakout sessions, and plenty of opportunities to interact with other student leaders.

weCONNECT Spring Leadership Conference

Image with the words "weConnect. Office of Student Leadership & Involvement" written across it

weConnect is an annual leadership conference held in the spring semester at Midwestern State University. Focused on developing community; building networking skills; and developing a spirit of collaboration between individuals, student organizations, and campus entities, weCONNECT is preparing students for life during and after college. weCONNECT has a keynote speaker, a meal provided, and several breakout sessions aimed at giving each participant the tools to succeed. 


Rising Mustangs Leadership Cohort

A crest, the top being made up of a rising sun motif, the middle three horses, and the bottom has a banner that reads "Rising Mustangs"

Using The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner, participants have the opportunity to help develop a sense of identity through understanding their leadership style, personality traits, values, goals, and defining characteristics through a four-week program where dinner is provided. Additionally, it will provide the opportunity for interactions with a variety of student leaders around campus! Rising Mustangs is a competitive leadership program with 25 available spots each semester, and we hope that each applicant takes time to proofread and edit their essay to best represent themselves

Operation Excellence

Image with the words "Operation Excellence. Advising student organizations to success"

Operation Excellence is a new program that will provide an opportunity for advisors to meet with the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement to discuss resources, answer questions, and provide some general tips on how to ensure that your organization is succeeding here at Midwestern State University! We’re hoping to host two Operation Excellence meetings a semester, one near the beginning of the semester focused on developing collaboration for the semester, answering any questions that may have hindered the last semester’s success, and providing some general information about changes/updates about our office and the university. The second meeting should be held near the end of the semester, to provide the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement the opportunity to hear how the semester went, what resources could be identified and potentially offered, and how to best navigate the following semester.