Tuition and Fee Projections per Semester
 Based on 15 semester credit hours Texas Residents* US Non-Texas Residents **
Tuition and Fees $4,888 $5,863
Housing & Dining $4,870 $4,870
Estimated Total per Semester $9,758 $10,733

Tuition projections are based on 15 semester credit hours beginning Fall 2023.  Specific course fees and cost of books are not included. Room rate based on Killingsworth with a Platinum Meal Plan.

*Oklahoma residents in neighboring counties to Texas, qualify for Texas resident rates. Oklahoma residents in non-neighboring counties to Texas pay $30.00 more per semester credit hour over Texas resident rates.

**US Non-Texas residents pay $65.00 more per semester credit hour over Texas resident rates.


For more resources, please visit: Paying for College